Pinacotheca Philosophica: Philosophers - A


Pinacotheca Philosophica

Philosophy and Philosophers in Art


Abelard Peter (Pierre Ab?lard, Doctor Scholasticus, 1079-1142)

·         Benouville. Abelard Talking to His Students near Melun (1837, Munich, Neue Pinakothek)

o        Peter Abelard (Pierre Ab?lard, 1079-1142)

·         Dali. H?lo?se and Abelard (a lithograph out of the series known as “Dante’s Inferno”)

·         Kauffmann. The Farewell of Abelard and H?lo?se (1780, St. Petersburg, The Hermitage)

o        Peter Abelard (Pierre Ab?lard, 1079-1142)

o        H?lo?se (Abelards wife, c. 1098-1164)

* … after our little son was born, we left him in my sister’s care, and secretly returned to Paris. A few days later, in the early morning, having kept our nocturnal vigil of prayer unknown to all in a certain church, we were united there in the benediction of wedlock her uncle and a few friends of his and mine being present. We departed forthwith stealthily and by separate ways, nor thereafter did we see each other save rarely and in private, thus striving our utmost to conceal what we had done. But her uncle and those of his household, seeking solace for their disgrace, began to divulge the story of our marriage, and thereby to violate the pledge they had given me on this point. Heloise, on the contrary, denounced her own kin and swore that they were speaking the most absolute lies. Her uncle, aroused to fury thereby, visited her repeatedly with punishments. No sooner had I learned this than I sent her to a convent of nuns at Argenteuil, not far from Paris, where she herself had been brought up and educated as a young girl. I had them make ready for her all the garments of a nun, suitable for the life of a convent, excepting only the veil, and these I bade her put on. When her uncle and his kinsmen heard of this, they were convinced that now I had completely played them false and had rid myself forever of Heloise by forcing her to become a nun (Abelard, Historia Calamitatum [The Story of My Misfortunes]).

·         French Sculptor (19th century). Abelard and H?lo?se Burial (1817, Paris, P?re-Lachaise Cemetery)

o        Abelard and H?lo?se Burial (detail)

o        Abelard and H?lo?se Burial: Sarcophagus

Aeschines (early 4th century B.C.)

·         Raphael. The School of Athens (1510-1511, Rome, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura)

o        Aeschines (early 4th century B.C.; see also alternative fragment usually identified as that of Alexander the Great or Agathon)

o        Socrates with Disciples: Aeschines, Alcibiades, Antisthenes (detail)

·         German Artist (19th century). Aechines: Illustration from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801, Augsburg)

Agrippa von Nettesheim Heinrich Cornelius (1486-1535)

·         Unidentified Artist (17th century). Agrippa von Nettesheim (Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1669)

Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus, Albert von Bollst?dt, Doctor Universalis, c. 1200-1280)

·         Flewelling Ralph Carlin. Albertus Magnus: The creation in time is a revelation of the eternal acting of God: A Mosaic in the Main Reading Room of James Harmon Hoose Library of Philosophy (1929, Los Angeles, The University of Southern California, Mudd Hall of Philosophy).

·         Giovanni di Paolo. The First Circle of the Twelve Teachers of Wisdom Led by Thomas Aquinas: Illustration of Dante’s Paradiso, Canto X (btw. 1442-1450, London, The British Library)

o        Albertus Magnus (c. 1200-1280)

·         Joos van Ghent. Albertus Magnus (c. 1474, Urbino, The National Gallery of The Marches?)

·         Laufenberg. Albertus Magnus (2001)

·         Staes. Albertus Magnus (© Robert Staes, O.P.)

·         Tommaso da Modena. St. Albert the Great (1352, Treviso, San Niccol?, Chapter House)

·         Unidentified Artist (17th century). Albertus Magnus (Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1669)

·         Unidentified Artist (17th century). Albertus Magnus (Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1669)

Alcuin Flaccus Albinus (c. 732-804)

·         Schnetz. Alcuin Presenting Manuscripts Discovered by His Monks to Charlemagne and His Court (1830, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

o        Flaccus Albinus Alcuin (c. 732-804)

Aldrovandi Ulisse (1522-1605)

·         Unidentified Artist (17th century). Ulisse Aldrovandi (Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1669)

Alembert Jean Le Rond, d’ (1717-1783)

·         La Tour Maurice-Quentin. Jean le Rond d’Alembert (1753, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

·         La Tour Maurice-Quentin. Jean le Rond d’Alembert: Sketch (1753, Saint-Quentin, The Antoine L?cuyer Museum)

·         Lecomte F?lix. Jean le Rond d’Alembert (as seen from the sitter’s left-hand side) (between 1791-1808, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

o        Jean le Rond d’Alembert (as seen from the sitter’s right-hand side)

Alsted Johann Heinrich (1588-1638)

·         Unidentified Artist (17th century). Johann Heinrich Alsted (Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1652)

Althusser Louis (1918-1990)

·         Vasco. Louis Althusser (© Vasco)

Ambrogini Angelosee: Politian

Anacharsis (early 6th century B.C.?)

·         German Artist (19th century). Anacharsis: Illustration from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801, Augsburg)

Anaxagoras (c. 500 – c. 428 B.C.)

·         Flewelling Ralph Carlin. Anaxagoras: Mind is infinite and self-ruled: A Mosaic in the Main Reading Room of James Harmon Hoose Library of Philosophy (1929, Los Angeles, The University of Southern California, Mudd Hall of Philosophy).

·         Lebiedzki (after design by Karl Rahl). Philosophers of Athens: Detail of the Right-hand Fa?ade Mural (Athens, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

o        Anaxagoras (c. 500 – c. 428 B.C.)

o        Anaxagoras (detail)

o        Anaxagoras (detail enlarged)

·         Raphael. The School of Athens (1510-1511, Rome, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura)

o        Anaxagoras (c. 500 – c. 428 B.C.)

Anaximander (610-546/545 B.C.)

·         Raphael. The School of Athens (1510-1511, Rome, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura)

o        Anaximander (610-546/545 B.C., sometimes identified as  Boethius)

o        Anaximander (detail)

o        Anaximander (detail, enlarged)

Anselm of Canterbury (Anselmo of Aosta, Doctor Marianus, 1033/34-1109)

·         Romanelli Giovanni Francesco (and workshop). The Meeting of the Countess Matilda and Anselm of Canterbury (1637-1642, Rome, Vatican, Galleria dei Romanelli)

o        Anselm of Canterbury (1033/34-1109)

Antisthenes (444 – after 371 B.C.)

·         Lebiedzki (after design by Karl Rahl). Philosophers of Athens: Detail of the Right-hand Fa?ade Mural (Athens, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

o        Antisthenes (444 – after 371 B.C.)

o        Antisthenes (detail)

o        Antisthenes (detail enlarged)

·         Raphael. The School of Athens (1510-1511, Rome, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura)

o        Antisthenes (444 – after 371 B.C., sometimes identified as Xenophon)

o        Socrates with Disciples: Aeschines, Alcibiades, Antisthenes (detail)

o        Socrates with Disciples (detail, enlarged)

·         German Artist (19th century). Antisthenes: Illustration from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801, Augsburg)

·         Roman Sculptor (after the Greek original of late 3rd – early 2nd century B. C.). Antisthenes of Athens (London, The British Museum)

Apollonius of Tyana (1st century A.D.)

·         Melo. Apollonius (btw. 1685-1687, Versailles, The Versailles Park and Gardens)

o        Apollonius (detail)

·         German Artist (19th century). Apollonius of Tyana: Illustration from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801, Augsburg)

Apuleius Lucius (c. 124 – after 170)

·         German Artist (19th century). Apuleius: Illustration from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801, Augsburg)

Aquinas Thomassee: Thomas Aquinas

Archytas of Tarentum (4th century B.C.)

·         German Artist (19th century). Archytas of Tarentum: Illustration from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801, Augsburg)

Aretino Leonardosee: Bruni Leonardo

Argyropoulos John (1415-1487)

·         Ghirlandajo Domenico. Calling of the First Apostles (1481, Rome, Vatican, Cappella Sistina)

o        The Florentines of Rome

o        The Florentines of Rome (enlarged)

§         John Argyropoulos (1415-1487)

Aristippus of Cyrene (c. 435-366 B.C.)

·         German Artist (19th century). Aristippus: Illustration from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801, Augsburg)

Aristotle (384-321 B.C.)

Aristotle’s images are listed on a separate page.

Aristoxenus (late 4th century B.C.)

·         Raphael. The School of Athens (1510-1511, Rome, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura)

o        Aristoxenus (late 4th century B.C., usually identified as Parmenides)

Arminius Jacobus (Jacob Harmensen or Hermansz, 1560-1609)

·         Unidentified Artist (17th century). Jacobus Arminius (Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1669)

Arnauld Antoine (1612-1694)

·         Persons related to Antoine Arnauld:

o        Champaigne Philippe, de. Portrait of Robert Arnauld d’Andilly (brother to Antoine Arnauld, 1588-1674)

Arouet Fran?ois-Mariesee: Voltaire

Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustinus, 354-430)


Easel and Panel Paintings

Miniatures (no miniature images of

St. Augustine yet, but many will be added shortly)

Mural Paintings (Frescoes)


Other (mosaics, tapestries)

Aurelius Augustinussee: Augustine, Saint)

Aurelius Marcus (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, original name Marcus Annius Verus, 121-180 A. D.)

Marcus Aurelius’ images are listed on a separate page.

Averro?s (Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Rushd, 1126-1198)

Averro?s’ images are listed on a separate page.

Avicenna (Abu ‘Ali al-Husayn ibnAbd Allah ibn Sina, 980-1037)

·         Unver Suhayl. Sheikh ar-Rais Ibn Sina al-Bukhari: A book illumination ()

·         English Miniaturist (14th century). Avicenna’s Diagram of the Brain: Illumination on parchment (c. 1300, Cambridge, University Library)

·         Unknown Artist. Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna: An illustration from a volume of Galen’s works

o        Avicenna (Ibn Sina, 980-1037)