Pinacotheca Philosophica: Philosophers - F


Pinacotheca Philosophica

Philosophy and Philosophers in Art


F?nelon Fran?ois de Salignac de La Mothe- (1651-1715)

·         Visconti. Saint-Sulpice Fountain (1844, Paris, Place Saint-Sulpice)

o        Fran?ois de Salignac de La Mothe-F?nelon (1651-1715)

·         Vivien. F?nelon, Archbishop of Cambrai (Munich, Alte Pinakothek)

Ficino Marsilio (1433-1499)

·         Ghirlandajo Domenico. Angel Appearing to Zacharias (1486-1490, Florence, Santa Maria Novella, Cappella Tornabuoni)

o        Members of the Platonic Academy

o        Members of the Platonic Academy (enlarged)

§         Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)

·         Unidentified Artist (17th century). Marsilio Ficino (Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1669)

Fidanza Giovanni disee: Bonaventure

Florensky Pavel Aleksandrovich (1882-1937?)

·         Nesterov. Philosophers: Portrait of Pavel Florensky and Sergey Bulgakov (1917, Moscow, The Tretyakov Gallery)

o        Pavel Aleksandrovich Florensky

Fontenelle Bernard Le Bovier, de (1657-1757)

·         Rigaud. Portrait of Philosopher and Scientist Abbot Fontenelle (London, Hampton Court Gallery)

Foucault Michel (Paul) (1926-1984)

·         Vasco. Michel Foucault (© Vasco)

Fracastoro Girolamo (1478-1553)

·         Unidentified Artist (17th century). Girolamo Fracastoro (Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1669)

Franklin Benjamin (1706-1790)

·         Caffi?ri. Benjamin Franklin (Baltimore, The Peabody Art Collection)

·         Duplessis Joseph-Siffred. Benjamin Franklin (copy) (1778, London, © National Portrait Gallery)

·         Duplessis Joseph-Siffred. Benjamin Franklin (1778, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

·         Duplessis Joseph-Siffred. Benjamin Franklin (1778, private collection)

·         Duplessis Joseph-Siffred. Benjamin Franklin (c. 1779, Raleigh, North Carolina, North Carolina Museum of Art)

·         Duplessis Joseph-Siffred. Benjamin Franklin (c. 1785, Washington, National Portrait Gallery)

·         Houdon. Benjamin Franklin (1778, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

o        Benjamin Franklin (detail)

·         Houdon. Benjamin Franklin (c. 1778, Boston, Athenaeum)

·         Houdon. Benjamin Franklin (Baltimore, The Peabody Art Collection)

·         Martin David. Portrait of Benjamin Franklin (1772, private collection)

·         Rockwell Norman. Ben Franklin’s Sesquicentennial (private collection)

·         Rush William. Bust of Benjamin Franklin (c. 1800, New Haven, Yale University)

·         West Benjamin. Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky (c. 1805)

·         American Sculptor (19th century, after Jean-Antoine Houdon). Benjamin Franklin (c. 1880, Harvard, Fogg Art Museum)

Freud Sigmund (1856-1939)

·         Dali. Portrait of Freud (1937, private collection)

·         Dali. Portrait of Sigmund Freud (1938, Paris, Collection Andr?-Fran?ois Petit)

·         Dali. Portrait of Sigmund Freud from “The Secret Life” (1939)

·         Dali. Portrait of Sigmund Freud – Morphology of the Skull of Sigmund Freud: Illustration for “The Secret Life of Salvador Dalн” (1938, Chichester, The New Trebizond Foundation)