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Pinacotheca Philosophica
and Philosophers in Art
Bachelard Gaston (1884-1962)
Vasco. Gaston Bachelard
Bacon Francis (1561-1626)
Roubillac. Bust of Sir Francis Bacon (1751,
Bust of Sir Francis Bacon (detail)
Woolner. Frances Bacon (1857,
Wright William. Monument to Francis Bacon (
Monument to Francis Bacon (detail)
Bacon Roger (Doctor Mirabilis, c. 1220-1292)
Hope-Pinker. Statue of Roger Bacon (19th century,
Statue of Roger Bacon (detail)
Barthes Roland (G?rard) (1915-1980)
Vasco. Roland Barthes (©
Basil the Great, Saint (329-379)
Herrera (the Elder). St. Basil Dictating His Rule
(c. 1639, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
Rubens. St. Basil (Gotha, Schlo?
Schmalz. St. Basil (
St. Basil (detail)
the Greek. St. Basil the Great (c. 1405,
Vasnetsov V. Orthodox Bishops (1885-1896,
St. Basil the Great (329-379)
Zurbar?n. St. Basil (
German Artist (17th century). St. Basil the Great: Illustration from Πατρολογια,
id est Descriptio S. Patrum Gr?corum & Latinorum (1624,
Becchi Gentile
Domenico. Angel Appearing to Zacharias (1486-1490, Florence, Santa Maria Novella, Cappella Tornabuoni)
Members of the Platonic Academy
Members of the Platonic Academy (enlarged)
Gentile de’ Becchi (usually
identified as Demetrius Chalcondyles)
Bede the Venerable
Giovanni di Paolo. The First Circle of the Twelve Teachers of Wisdom Led by
Thomas Aquinas: Illustration of Dante’s Paradiso,
Canto X (btw. 1442-1450,
Bede the Venerable (672/673-735)
Giovanni di Paolo. The First Circle of the Twelve Teachers of Wisdom Led by
Thomas Aquinas: Illustration of Dante’s Paradiso,
Canto X (btw. 1442-1450,
Bede the Venerable (672/673-735)
Bely Andrey (Boris Nikolayevich Bugayev,
Bakst. Portrait of the Poet and Writer Andrey Bely
Bakst. Portrait of the Writer
Andrey Bely (
Petrov-Vodkin. Portrait of Andrey Bely (1932)
Bentham Jeremy (1748-1832)
David Jean-Pierre. Jeremy Bentham (1828,
Berkeley George (1685-1753)
Flewelling Ralph Carlin. Berkeley:
Westward the course of empire takes its
way, time’s noblest offspring is the last: A Mosaic in the Main Reading Room of James Harmon Hoose
Library of Philosophy (1929,
Smibert. Family Portrait of Dean George Berkeley
Bessarion John (Basil Bessarion, 1403-1472)
Bellini Gentile. Cardinal Bessarion with the Bessarion Reliquary
(c. 1472-1473,
John Bessarion (1403-1472)
Joos van Ghent. Cardinal Bessarion (c. 1474, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
Unidentified Artist (17th century). Bessarion
chalcographica, 1669)
Unknown Miniaturist. Illustration
to Bessarion, Orationes
et epistolae ad Christianos principes contra Turcos
[Orations and Letters to Christian Princes against the Turks]
John Bessarion (1403-1472)
Bias of Priene (c. 590 – c. 530 B.C.)
German Artist (19th century). Bias of Priene: Illustration from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801,
Boethius Anicius Manlius Severinus (480-524)
Amadeus. Boethius Instructing His Students and Boethius in Prison:
Two Miniatures from Book I of
Boethius’ On the Consolation of
Philosophy (1385,
* The text reads:
qui quondam studio florente peregi,
flebilis heu maestos cogor inire modos.
ecce mihi lacerae dictant scribenda Camenae
English translation (by W.V. Cooper):
To pleasant songs my work was erstwhile given, and bright were all my
labours then;
but now in tears to sad refrains am I compelled to turn.
Thus my maimed Muses guide my pen,
and gloomy songs make no feigned tears bedew my face.
Boethius Instructing His Students: An Initial Vignette
Boethius in Prison: A
Giovanni di Paolo. The First Circle of the Twelve Teachers of Wisdom Led by
Thomas Aquinas: Illustration of Dante’s Paradiso,
Canto X (btw. 1442-1450,
Boethius (480-524)
Raphael. The School of Athens (1510-1511,
Boethius (480-524, usually identified as
Boethius (detail, the
figure is usually identified as that of Anaximander)
Boethius (detail, enlarged, the
figure is usually identified as that of Anaximander)
Schnetz. Boethius Bidding Farewell to His Family
Dutch Miniaturist (15th century). Jean de Meng Offering His Translation of Boethius’ De consolatione philosophiae to Margaret
of England: Illumination
on Parchment (after 1476,
Bollst?dt Albert von – see: Albert the Great
Bonaventure, Saint (Giovanni di Fidanza, Doctor Seraphicus, 1221-1274)
Angelico. Crucifixion and Saints (1441-1442, Florence, Convento di San Marco)
St. Bonaventure: medallion
(Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Baciccio. Apotheosis of the Franciscan Order
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Bonone. Christ Adored by Angels, St. Sebastian and
St. Bonaventure (c. 1610-1617, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Foppa. Altarpiece (1476, Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Gozzoli. Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas
(1471, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Herrera (the Elder). St. Bonaventure Joins the Franciscan Order (1628,
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Herrera (the Elder). St. Bonaventure Receiving Communion from the Hands of
an Angel (1628, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Herrera (the Elder). The Healing of the Child St. Bonaventure by
St. Francis (1628, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Licinio. Madonna with Child in Arms (1524, Venice, Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Moretto. St. Bonaventure and St. Anthony of Padua
(between 1520-1550,
Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Murillo. St. Leander and St. Bonaventure
(1665-1666, Sevilla,
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Piero di Cosimo. Immaculate Conception with Saints
(the 1510s, Fiesole, S. Francesco)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Raphael. La Disputa (1509, Rome, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura)
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
o St. Bonaventure (detail)
o St. Bonaventure (detail, enlarged)
Solimena. St. Bonaventura Receiving the Banner of St. Sepulchre from the Madonna (1710,
Staes. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventura (©
Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Zurbar?n. St. Bonaventure at Pray (
Zurbar?n. St. Bonaventure at the Council of Lyons (1629, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)
Zurbar?n. The Lying-in-State of St. Bonaventure (1629, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
Jacques-B?nigne (1627-1704)
Pajou. Jacques B?nigne Bossuet (1779, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
Bracciolini Poggio – see: Poggio Bracciolini Gian
Bruni Leonardo (Leonardo Aretino, c. 1370-1444)
Unidentified Artist (17th century). Leonardo Bruni (Bibliotheca
chalcographica, 1669)
Bud? Guillaume (Guglielmus Budaeus) (1467-1540)
Clouet. Portrait of Guillaume
(Budaeus) (c. 1535-1536,
Unidentified Artist (17th century). Guillaume Bud? (Bibliotheca
chalcographica, 1669)
Budaeus Guglielmus – see: Bud? Guillaume
Buddha Shakyamuni (Siddhartha Gautama,
624-544 or 566-486 or 480-400 B. C.)
Shakyamuni’s images are listed on a separate page.
Buffon Georges-Louis Leclerc, de (1707-1788)
Houdon. Buffon (c. 1793,
Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
Buffon (a side view)
Pajou. Buffon Seated (c. 1788, Paris, Mus?e
du Louvre)
Pajou. Bust of Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon (
Pajou. Georges Louis Leclerc de
Buffon (1773, Paris, Mus?e
du Louvre)
Bugayev Boris Nikolayevich – see: Bely
Bulgakov Sergey Nikolayevich (1871-1844)
Nesterov. Philosophers: Portrait of Pavel
Florensky and Sergey Bulgakov (1917,
Sergey Nikolayevich Bulgakov
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