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Pinacotheca Philosophica
and Philosophers in Art
Xenocrates (died 314 B.C.)
Raphael. The School of Athens (1510-1511,
Xenocrates (died 314 B.C., usually identified as Parmenides)
German Artist (19th century). Xenocrates: Illustration
from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer
(1801, Augsburg)
Unknown Sculptor. Xenocrates of Chalcedon (
Xenophon (c. 431 – before 350 B.C.)
Delacroix. The Limbo: Cupola Painting (1841-1846, Paris, Palais du Luxembourg: The Senate Library)
The Limbo: Cupola Painting (viewed from a different perspective)
Famous Greeks (detail)
Famous Greeks (detail enlarged)
Xenophon (c. 431 – before 350 B.C.)
Guignet. Episode of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand
(c. 1843, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)
Raphael. The School of Athens (1510-1511,
Xenophon (c. 431 – before 350 B.C., usually
identified as Antisthenes)
Socrates with Disciples: Aeschines,
Alcibiades, Antisthenes
(or Xenophon
– detail)
German Artist (19th century). Xenophon: Illustration
from Galerie der alten Griechen und R?mer (1801, Augsburg)
Xylander Guilielmus (Wilhelm
Holtzman, 1532-1576)
Unidentified Artist (17th century). Guilielmus Xylander (Bibliotheca
chalcographica, 1669)
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