Pinacotheca Philosophica
and Philosophers in Art
Goethe Johann Wolfgang, von (1749-1832)
Bury Johann Friedrich. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1800,
Bury Johann Friedrich. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe among His Italian Friends
David Jean-Pierre. Johann Wolfgang von
(1831, Paris, Mus?e d’Orsay)
David Jean-Pierre. Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe: a 20th-century cast after the original model
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (a side view)
Delkeskamp. Goethe’s Birthplace in Grossen Hirschgraben in Frankfurt
am Main (before 1823,
Goethe. Goethe’s Study in Frankfurt
(c. 1769/72,
Goethe. Self Portrait (c. 1777,
Jagemann Ferdinand. Goethe (1817,
Kauffmann. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1787/88, Weimar, The Goethe National Museum)
Kaulbach Wilhelm. Goete and the Muse (1880s)
Kaulbach Wilhelm. Goete in Frankfurt (1880s)
Kaulbach Wilhelm. Goete in Weimar (1880s)
Kiprensky. Portrait of
J. W. Goethe (1823,
Kolbe Heinrich
Goethe as a Poet and Artist in Front of Vesuvius
Kraus Georg Melchior. Goethe (1775/76,
Kraus Georg Melchior. Goethe (1776,
Georg Melchior. Goethe as Orestes and Corona Schr?ter as Iphigeneia
(in the first performance of Goethe’s Iphigeneia in Tauris
on 6 April 1779) (1779)
Georg Melchior. The Evening Society at the Duchess Anna Amalia’s of
Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (“The Table Company”) (c. 1795,
Johann Wolfgang von
Franz Gerhard. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1808/09,
LaFarge. Father Hecker Reading Goethe (1866, private collection)
Lips. Goethe (1791, Frankfurt am Main, The
Maclise. The Eighty-year-old Goethe in the Street
(c. 1829,
Meyer Johann Heinrich. Goethe (c. 1794)
Moritz. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Garden House (1830, Weimar, The
Goethe National Museum)
Preller Friedrich. Goethe on His Deathbed (1832,
Raabe Josef. Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1814,
R?sel. Goethe’s House in Frauenplan, Weimar
Schadow Johann Gottfried (presumably). Goethe and Schiller in Conversation (1804,
Johann Wolfgang von
Schmeller. Goethe Dictating to His Clerk John
Schmeller. Johann Wolfgang Goethe (c. 1830,
Schwerdtgeburth. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1831/32,
Sebbers. Goethe: Drawn in
Seekatz. The Goethe Family Dressed as Shepherds (1762,
Louise. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1811, Weimar, The Weimar
Classics Foundation)
Stieler. Goethe: Aquarelle (1828,
Stieler. Goethe: Study (1828)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1828,
Munich, Neue Pinakothek)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (detail)
Tischbein Johann Heinrich Wilhelm. Goethe at the Window of His Rome Apartment in the Corso
(1787, Frankfurt am Main, The
Johann Heinrich Wilhelm. Goethe in the Roman Campagna (1787, Frankfurt am Main, St?delsches Kunstinstitut)
Johann Heinrich Wilhelm, Sch?tz
Christian Georg, Bury
Johann Friedrich. Goethe in the Roman Campagna (c. 1787,
Trippel. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1789, Bad Arolsen, Residenz)
Unknown German Artist (18th century). Goethe: A Silhouette (c. 1775-80,
Unknown German Artist (18th century). Goethe in the Street (c. 1785,