Pinacotheca Philosophica - Other Persons and Subjects: Philosophy


Pinacotheca Philosophica

Philosophy and Philosophers in Art



·         Bartholom?. Truth, Philosophy and Nature: Model of the Sculptural Group for the Monument to Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Pantheon, Paris (between 1907-1912, Paris, Mus?e d’Orsay)

o        Truth, Philosophy and Nature (detail)

o        Truth, Philosophy and Nature (detail enlarged)

o        Philosophy

o        Philosophy (detail)

·         Delacroix. Philosophy: The Muse of Aristotle (1841-1846, Paris, Palais du Luxembourg: The Senate Library)

·         Lebiedzki (after design by Karl Rahl). King Otto Surrounded by Sciences: Detail of the Central Fa?ade Mural (Athens, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

o        Philosophy

o        Philosophy (detail)

·         Lippi Filippino. Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas over the Heretics (1489-1491, Rome, S. Maria sopra Minerva, the Carafa Chapel)

o        Arius, Apollinarius, and Averro?s

o        Arius, Apollinarius, and Averro?s (enlarged)

o        St. Thomas Aquinas Surrounded by Four Female Figures Representing Philosophy, Astronomy, Theology, and Grammar

o        St. Thomas Aquinas Surrounded by Four Female Figures Representing Philosophy, Astronomy, Theology, and Grammar (enlarged)

§         Philosophy

·         Pollaiolo Antonio. Tomb of Sixtus IV (1484-1493, Rome, Vatican, Basilica di San Pietro)

o        Monument of Sixtus IV: View from above

o        Philosophy: A side relief of the Tomb of Sixtus IV

·         Raphael. Stanza della Segnatura: Paintings of the Ceiling (1508-1511, Rome, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura)

o        Philosophy (1509-1511)

·         Simart. Philosophy (Paris, Palais du Luxembourg: The Senate Library)