Pinacotheca Philosophica: Artists - S


Pinacotheca Philosophica

Philosophy and Philosophers in Art


Sacchi Pier Francesco (1485-1528)

·         Sacchi Pier Francesco. Four Doctors of the Church with the Symbols of the Four Evangelists (1516, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

o        St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus, 354-430)

Saint-Quentin Jacques-Philip-Joseph, de (1738-?)

·         Saint-Quentin. The Death of Socrates (1762, Paris, ?cole des Beaux-Arts)

* Crito, when he heard this, made a sign to the servant, and the servant went in, and remained for some time, and then returned with the jailer carrying a cup of poison. Socrates said: “You, my good friend, who are experienced in these matters, shall give me directions how I am to proceed.” The man answered: “You have only to walk about until your legs are heavy, and then to lie down, and the poison will act.” At the same time he handed the cup to Socrates, who in the easiest and gentlest manner, without the least fear or change of colour or feature, looking at the man with all his eyes, Echecrates, as his manner was, took the cup and said: “What do you say about making a libation out of this cup to any god? May I, or not?” The man answered: “We only prepare, Socrates, just so much as we deem enough.” “I understand,” he said: “yet I may and must pray to the gods to prosper my journey from this to that other world – may this, then, which is my prayer, be granted to me”. Then holding the cup to his lips, quite readily and cheerfully he drank off the poison (Plato, Phaedo).

S?nchez Coello Alonso (1531/32-1588)

·         S?nchez Coello. St. Jerome and St. Augustine Holding a Model of the Monastery (Madrid, El Escorial)

o        St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus, 354-430)

Santi di Tito (1536-1603)

·         Santi di Tito. Niccol? Machiavelli (Florence, Palazzo Vecchio, Cancelleria)

·         Santi di Tito. Vision of St. Thomas Aquinas (1593, Florence, The Church of San Marco, the del Turco Chapel)

o        St. Thomas Aquinas (1224/25-1274)

Sargent John Singer (1856-1925)

·         Sargent. Henry James (brother to William James, 1843-1916) (1913, London, National Gallery)

Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni, c. 1394 – c. 1450)

·         Sassetta. St. Thomas Before the Cross: A Panel of the Altar of the Eucharist (1423, Vatican, Pinacoteca)

·         Sassetta. St. Thomas Inspired by the Dove of the Holy Ghost: A Panel of the Altar of the Eucharist (1423, Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts)

o        St. Thomas Inspired by the Dove of the Holy Ghost (detail)

o        St. Thomas Inspired by the Dove of the Holy Ghost (detail)

o        St. Thomas Inspired by the Dove of the Holy Ghost (detail)

Schadow Johann Gottfried (1764-1850)

·         Schadow Johann Gottfried (presumably). Goethe and Schiller in Conversation (1804, Weimar, The Weimar Classics Foundation)

o        Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

o        Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)

Scheffer Ary (1795-1858)

·         Scheffer Ary. St. Augustine and His Mother Monica (1855, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

·         Scheffer Ary. The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca Appear to Dante and Virgil (1835, London, Wallace Collection)

·         Scheffer Ary. The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca Appear to Dante and Virgil (1835, private collection)

·         Scheffer Ary. The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca Appear to Dante and Virgil (1855, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

Schmalz Timothy P. (visit the artist’s website)

·         Schmalz. A Man for All Seasons: St. Thomas More (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, the artist’s property)

o        The Four Seasons: Four tondi with life scenes in the tree crown

§         Spring: The First Meeting with Erasmus in the London House (lower left)

More first met Erasmus during the latter’s visit to England in 1499.

§         Summer: Alice and Thomas More Playing the Lute in the Evening (upper left)

In the background More’s daughters by his first marriage: Margaret Roper (left) and Cecily Heron (right).

§         Autumn: King Henry VIII at More’s House in Chelsea (upper right)

The king unsuccessfully attempts to persuade More on the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.

§         Winter: More’s Execution on Tower Hill (lower right)

More kisses the executioner as a symbol of forgiveness and consolation.

·         Schmalz. St. Augustine and Monica (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, the artist’s property)

·         Schmalz. St. Basil (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, the artist’s property)

o        St. Basil (detail)

·         Schmalz. St. Thomas (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, the artist’s property)

o        St. Thomas (detail)

Schmeller Johann Joseph (1796-1841)

·         Schmeller. Goethe Dictating to His Clerk John (1834, Weimar, The Duchess Anna Amalia Library)

·         Schmeller. Johann Wolfgang Goethe (c. 1830, Weimar, The Goethe National Museum)

Schnetz Jean-Victor (1787-1870)

·         Schnetz. Alcuin Presenting Manuscripts Discovered by His Monks to Charlemagne and His Court (1830, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

o        Flaccus Albinus Alcuin (c. 732-804)

·         Schnetz. Boethius Bidding Farewell to His Family ()

Sch?tz Christian Georg (1718-1791)

·         Tischbein Johann Heinrich Wilhelm, Sch?tz Christian Georg, Bury Johann Friedrich. Goethe in the Roman Campagna (c. 1787, Weimar, The Goethe National Museum)

Schwerdtgeburth Carl August ()

·         Schwerdtgeburth. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1831/32, Weimar, The Weimar Classics Foundation)

Scorel Jan, van (1495-1562)

·         Scorel. The Life of St. Augustine (1520, Jerusalem, St. Stephen)

o        St. Augustine at School – St. Monica Consults a Bishop

o        St. Augustine Teaches Rhetoric in Carthage – St. Monica Sees Him Off to Rome

o        St. Augustine and St. Monica Listen to St. Ambrose

o        The Baptism of St. Augustine

o        The Investiture of St. Augustine

o        St. Augustine and Monks Return to Africa

o        St. Augustine Is Ordained Bishop

o        St. Augustine and the Child (The Parable of Trinity)

o        St. Augustine Consigning the Rules

o        The Death of St. Augustine

o        The Vision of Bishop Sigibert: Angel with the Heart of St. Augustine

Sebastiano del Piombo (c. 1485-1547)

·         Giorgione (completed by Sebastiano del Piombo). The Three Philosophers (c. 1510, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum)

o        Aristotle (384-321 B.C., identification purely conjectural)

o        Averro?s (Ibn Rushd, 1126-1198, identification purely conjectural)

o        Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 121-180 A.D., identification purely conjectural)

o        Plato’s Cave (identification purely conjectural)

Sebbers Julius Ludwig (1804-1837)

·         Sebbers. Goethe: Drawn in Weimar on 7th September 1826 (1826, Princeton, Princeton University Library)

Seekatz Johann Conrad (1719-1768)

·         Seekatz. The Goethe Family Dressed as Shepherds (1762, Weimar, The Goethe National Museum)

Seidler Louise Caroline Sophie (1786-1866)

·         Seidler Louise. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1811, Weimar, The Weimar Classics Foundation)

Serov Valentin Aleksandrovich (1865-1911)

·         Serov Valentin. Portrait of Ballet-Dancer T. Karsavina (sister to Lev Platonovich Karsavin, 1885-1978) (1909, Moscow, The Tretyakov Gallery)

·         Serov Valentin. Portrait of Margarita Morozova (1910, Dnepropetrovsk, Art Museum)

Margarita Kirillovna Morozova (1873-1958) was a daughter of Kirill Nikolayevich Mamontov and widow of Mikhail Abramovich Morozov, a famous Maecenas, the owner of the publishing house Put’ [‘The Way’] that specialized in philosophical literature, co-founder of the Moscow Religious-Philosophical Society named after Vladimir Solovyov (the society usually met in Morozova’s mansions in 11 Znamenka, 103 Novinsky Boulevard, 9 Myortvyy [presently, Prechistenskiy] Pereulok).

I was always somewhat afraid of Serov and embarrassed despite my great respect and liking for him. I did not even want him to paint my portrait because I knew he felt little sympathy for ‘ladies’ like me. Only towards the very end of his life we once talked and decided he would after all paint my portrait. He began painting, made several canvasses in an impressionist manner of dots and strokes, saying he wanted me pictured walking, talking and smiling. Unfortunately, that was the end of it, because Serov suddenly died (M. K. Morozova. My Memoirs, in Moscow Album: Memoirs of the 19th- and 20th-century Moscow and Muscovites, Moscow: Nashe nasledie, 1997, p. 200, in Russian).

Margarita Morozova’s son Mika (Mikhail) is the sitter of Serov’s famous portrait (now in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow).

Shi Kesee: Shih K’o

Shih K’o (romanisation in Pinyin as Shi Ke, 9th century)

·         Chinese painter (13th century, attributed to Shih K’o). The Second Patriarch in Contemplation (Tokyo, National Museum)

o        The Second Patriarch in Contemplation (detail)

·         Chinese painter (13th century, attributed to Shih K’o). The Sixth Patriarch in Contemplation (Tokyo, National Museum)

o        The Sixth Patriarch in Contemplation (detail)

Signorelli Luca (Luca d’Egidio di Ventura de’ Signorelli or Luca da Cortona, c. 1445/50-1523)

·         Signorelli. Dante Alighieri (1499-1502, Orvieto, Duomo, Chapel of San Brizio)

·         Signorelli. Dante and Virgil Entering Purgatory (1499-1502, Orvieto, Duomo, Chapel of San Brizio)

·         Signorelli. Doctors of the Church (1499-1502, Orvieto, Duomo, Chapel of San Brizio)

·         Signorelli. Empedocles (1499-1502, Orvieto, Duomo, Chapel of San Brizio)

·         Signorelli. Madonna and Child with the Holy Trinity, Archangels and Sts. Augustine and Athanasius (1510, Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi)

o        St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus, 354-430)

·         Signorelli. St. Agostino Altarpiece: Right wing representing St. Augustine, St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Anthony of Padua (1498, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gem?ldegalerie)

o        St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus, 354-430)

§         Left wing representing St. Catherine of Siena, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Jerome

·         Signorelli. St. Augustine (Loreto, Sacristy of San Giovanni)

·         Signorelli. The Angel Arrives in Purgatory (1499-1502, Orvieto, Duomo, Chapel of San Brizio)

Simart Pierre Charles (1809-1857)

·         Simart. Philosophy (Paris, Palais du Luxembourg: The Senate Library)

Simone Martinisee: Martini Simone

Smibert John (1688-1751)

·         Smibert. Family Portrait of Dean George Berkeley (1729, New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery)

Solimena Francesco (1657-1747)

·         Solimena. St. Bonaventura Receiving the Banner of St. Sepulchre from the Madonna (1710, Aversa, Cathedral)

Somer Mathias, vansee Bibliotheca Chalcographica

Somov Konstantin Andreyevich (1869-1939)

·         Somov. Portrait of the Poet Vyacheslav Ivanov (1906, Moscow, The Tretyakov Gallery)

Staes Robert ()

·         Staes. Albertus Magnus (© Robert Staes, O.P.)

·         Staes. Thomas Aquinas (© Robert Staes, O.P.)

·         Staes. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventura (© Robert Staes, O.P.)

o        Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, c. 1217-1274)

o        Thomas Aquinas (1224/25-1274)

Stefano di Giovannisee: Sassetta

Stieler Joseph Karl (1781-1858)

·         Stieler. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1835, Munich, Neue Pinakothek)

·         Stieler. Goethe: Aquarelle (1828, Munich, The Bavarian State Picture Collections)

·         Stieler. Goethe: Study (1828)

·         Stieler. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1828, Munich, Neue Pinakothek)

o        Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (detail)

Stone Nicholas (the Elder) (1586-1647)

·         Stone Nicholas (the Elder). Monument to the Poet John Donne: General view (1631, London, St. Paul’s Cathedral)

o        Monument to the Poet John Donne: Effigy

o        Monument to the Poet John Donne: Effigy (detail)

Stouf Jean-Baptiste (1742-1826)

·         Stouf. Michel de Montaigne (between 1798-1800, Paris, Mus?e du Louvre)

Strozzi Bernardo (1581-1644)

·         Strozzi. St. Augustine (Chicago, Art Institute)

·         Strozzi. St. Augustine Washing the Feet of Christ (1629, Genoa, Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti)

Suhayl Unversee: Unver Suhayl

Sustermans Justus (1597-1681)

·         Sustermans. Portrait of Galileo Galilei (Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina)